Raglan Court Industrial Unit Heating

Industrial Unit Heating Solution

4 Powrmatic TEG31 gas fired air rotation space heaters were installed at Raglan Court in 4 separate 1740m² industrial buildings in Warrington by Tidyco providing an energy efficient industrial unit heating solution.

  • Building Size1740m²
  • Product InstalledTEG31 Air Rotation Heater
  • Installed ByTidyco
  • “These brand-new industrial buildings required an efficient and effective heating solution. Just one single Powrmatic air rotation heater would effectively heat each unit and being experienced with installing Powrmatic equipment, the project was a success for our client”

    David Hithersay - Tidyco

Project Background

Powrmatic where contacted by the consultant looking for an effective and versatile heating solution for 4 x industrial units in Raglan Court. They required a solution which would be suitable for all 4 individual units, but also suitable should they choose to reconfigure the internal layout into one large area. The units were to be used for storage and would therefore be racked out.

Project Solution

The TEG31 heaters distribute heat evenly throughout the environment, allowing the room temperature to quickly become comfortable without having to use multiple heaters in specific locations whilst maintaining the required internal temperature of 18°c. Each TEG31 heater was designed to give 150kW of heat into the space.

Project Result

Each industrial unit now benefits from an effective heating solution individually controlled to maintain optimum internal temperatures. This not only saves the client money but reduces preliminary installation costs whilst delivering longer term maintenance cost savings in use.

m² warehouse
TEG31 installed
Kw output